
Six Years at Make Events!

Make Events are entering their 6th year in business! To celebrate we will be sharing our favourite moments from the past 6 years. Today, we’re speaking to Suzanne Lawler, our Office Manager who has been here from the start and seen Make Events flourish into the business it is today.

When you started at Make Events, it was a much smaller operation than it is today. How did you hear about the job opening?
I met Holly in 2000 when we both worked at The Tytherington Club. She was the front of house manager and she hired me as a receptionist. She was also my wedding planner!

I’d said to her previously, if you ever set up on your own and need anyone, let me know. Before Make Events, I worked in a lot of administration and reception roles. When I had my third child, Archie, I was made redundant so went to work for Waitrose. When Holly advertised for the role I jumped at the chance to interview.

What did Make Events look like then?
Holly had set up Make Events six months before I arrived. Back then it was me and Holly round her dining table and she had the crew for on site events. I would source products, find new suppliers, and do the event set up. We even had ‘Sue’s Shed’ where I’d spray paint props for events!

I did a bit of everything then, including marketing campaigns such as #MakeMondaysBetter where we would go into venues with the clients’ favourite drink and sweets. 

After that I started doing the accounts and the financial side as well as Holly’s personal duties.

Did you ever think Make Events would be like it is today when you were just a team of two?
I knew the company would always get bigger but I didn’t think it would grow so much over a short period of time. It has grown so much over the past 18 months. 

In 2016 I left for a year to go on maternity leave and to come back to a team of 12 was crazy! It naturally took a bit of time to get back into the swing of things but we wouldn’t have it any other way now.

How does Make Events compare to other companies you’ve worked for?
Holly has always understood having a family and has always been incredibly supportive of me taking breaks to support my four children.

When I worked in retail I would never get Christmas off and it’s refreshing for Make Events to be  open whenever I need to attend a parents evening or school event.

No day is ever the same here. It’s exciting to see how much we have grown and changed since it was just me and Holly. It’s brilliant that we still have the same core values as day one and that the client is always number one priority. 

The team make the company what it is and the trust everyone has in each others abilities is incredible, we always have each others backs. 

I’ve had to learn a few things since coming back but everyone is always on hand to give advice if it’s needed. We’re like a little family, and perhaps I’m the mum of the office!

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