
Drones are great, if you use them creatively

We’ve all been wowed by the incredible display at the Olympic opening ceremony – the glowing globe that made use of 1,824 revolving drones hovering in the sky to represent the earth was quite amazing.Drones have been used for a while now to create stunning displays at evets, from logos and flags to figures running across the sky, but the Tokyo display took things to a new level. In fact, technology is giving the events industry a whole new world of ways to wow their audiences, from drone displays, hybrid events, mixed reality, and virtual meeting venues.

Event organisers often use drones at events because it’s the latest trendy tech and it’s expected. The drones photograph and record great visual images but for us, that isn’t enough. At Make Events we know that the potential of the media and how it can be used creatively is just as important as the footage itself, and we are crystal clear about our goals when we incorporate the use of drones into events.

So how can we use drones to maximise their impact?

Obviously, drones can provide exceptional aerial footage for use in real time to gain immediate engagement on social media or prior to the event to create hype. They can also be used to provide 2D or 3D event mapping and to gather an overview of the various locations to be reviewed during the planning process – useful for both us and the client when we’re considering what different venues can offer.

Because drones can be used to monitor all areas of an event, they can be crucial in managing logistics. By monitoring people flow, or traffic and parking, hold-ups can be minimised through prior planning, and real time congestion can be addressed immediately by staff on the ground through communication with the staff monitoring the drones. In the same way, drones can operate as security cameras and any issues can be addressed quickly and efficiently.

Drones can also be used as mobile hotspots if necessary, speeding up internet connections and allowing your attendees to spend less time worrying about data at the event and more time sharing it on social media.

Live streaming is a great way to engage an audience and using drones is a great way to add depth to the experience. However, live streaming is not an end in itself so from a creative perspective we always have a clear rationale behind what we are showing and why. That way that we create a live stream that people actually want to watch.

As we saw during the Olympic opening ceremony aerial drones can create spectacular visual shows, the effects of which can be breath-taking, especially at night and when choreographed to music. We plan meticulously so that attendees will want to video the spectacle and post on social media, giving even more oxygen to your event. And we don’t have to limit things to outdoors. Drones can also be used for indoor entertainment. The key, as always, is to think about what we want, why we want it and the effect we want to create.

Though it might seem futuristic, having items delivered by drone during an event is an opportunity be creative and with due safety considerations, it creates quite a buzz. Again, these are very social media-worthy interactions which can make your event memorable long after it’s over.

The use of drones at events is here to stay but they must be integrated into the event in such a way as to fulfil its goals. At Make Events, through our clear understanding of clients’ wishes, impeccable strategic planning, close liaison with the drone pilots, and outstanding creativity, we know how and why we use them to make your event unforgettable.

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